Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby Due Date Calculator

Today is a quick post day. This is because I have so much to do, and not enough time when it comes down to it. I want to make sure to clear my weekend so I can spend some time with my littlest sister. We live pretty far away, so a lot of times I do not get to see her. I have a lot planned for the weekend, and hopefully the little one in my tummy will stay quiet for the weekend. I do not want to wake up in the morning with contractions again. Woo! Scary!

Anyway… until next time!

I found this little chart helpful. It gave me all the information I needed about the baby. It was extremely helpful since I am not good at calculating everything lol. Check it out; see if it is helpful for you!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


For anyone interested in pregnant lady freebies, I created a list to share with everyone! Here it is! I wanted to see if I could find some of the good stuff out there so I was not running around to dead ends. These are just a few of the sites I found that were not hoaxes when it came to free mommy and baby items. These are just a few out there if you want more specific free baby items or samples than you will have to search through the different sites out there and try them out for yourselves to see who works and who does not. It can be time consuming but it might be worth it in the end. Find out more when it comes to baby freebies, and pregnant mommy freebies when you visit these sites today.

Until next time!!!|957043879&jkId=8a8ae4cc1a932aa9011ac65385900a68&jt=1&jadid=957043879&js=1&jsid=9119&jk=baby%20freebies&jmt=1&&gclid=CJOi0YvPyaQCFYTu7Qod02i7Dw

Friday, May 20, 2011

Wow Really?!

You guys have got to read this? Maybe it is time to switch to cloth!

In 1975, the World Health Organization called for an end of urine and fecal matter in solid waste. I looked for this on the WHO website, but found it in an article in Mothering.

The American Public Health Association made a policy statement in 1989.

This is something that you might not have thought was happening, but it is. Do you think it now time to switch to a better way to diaper your babies. Not all mommies are down with cloth diapering, but now is the time to seriously think about if you're going to have a child or perhaps have one that is still in diapers.

It can save you money!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Interesting Information on Male Infertility

I found this information on male infertility. Thought some of you might find it interesting and helpful J I thought this was something that is a current issue, and you might want to be aware of what could possibly happen when the time comes to solve all of your problems.


Sometimes, a man's medical history is suggestive of a potential male factor. Some men may have a history of sexual dysfunction or abnormal ejaculation. Alternatively, others may have had previous surgeries or injuries that may lead to problems in semen production. We find it extremely important to review the medical history of the male partner of an infertile couple.

The initial diagnostic study that most men have is the semen analysis. The semen analysis is one of the few tests which have withstood the test of time and which continue to be considered an integral and important part of the evaluation of the couple. The analysis is generally performed on a specimen that has been produced by means of masturbation into a sterile container.

For those men who are unable or unwilling to masturbate, special semen collection devices, which are used like condoms during intercourse, can also be used to collect sperm for analysis. Ideally the male should abstain from ejaculation for 2-7 days prior to the analysis. The specimen should be evaluated within one hour after collection.

The analysis consists of an evaluation of a number of factors. Basic measurements include the volume of semen ejaculated (in milliliters), the concentration of sperm within the ejaculate (usually expressed in number of sperm per milliliter of semen), the percentage of the sperm which are moving (motility), and the quality of the movement (wiggling, swimming in circles, swimming in straight lines), known as the progression.

Labs may also report other values such as the pH, viscosity, color of the semen, the viability (percentage of sperm which are alive and dead) and other parameters. Some laboratories will also analyze sperm with computer guided systems (CASA or Computer Assisted Semen Analysis).

Through tracking of each individual sperm, these analyses can provide extremely detailed data such as the speed of movement, the lateral head displacement of the sperm (how much "wiggling" there is) and other parameters. Although CASA has a role in research, it is not necessary for routine evaluations.

Another frequently performed test for males is the post-coital test (PCT), also called the Sims-Huhner test. The test consists of asking the couple to have intercourse during the middle of the woman's menstrual cycle and 2-12 hours later have the female come into the office for an exam.

At the time of the exam, which is done in the same fashion as a routine pap smear, some of the mucus present is examined under the microscope. In a normal test, sperm should be visible and swimming normally. This test is most useful when it is normal, which implies that enough sperm are available for fertilization to take place.

Unfortunately an abnormal result can be misleading. Many factors such as poor timing, low-grade vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina), etc. can make the test seem abnormal although the couple could still potentially achieve pregnancy. Given its simplicity and safety, however, we still frequently use this test to rule out a possible male factor.

Many male patients will be referred to an urologist for evaluation. The physician will do a physical exam and may do some blood tests to establish whether hormonal levels are normal. During the exam, urologists will generally try to establish whether a varicocele, an abnormal system of veins, is present in the scrotum.

Since a varicocele is a surgically correctable problem that may decrease sperm number and/or quality, most urologists will do either a physical exam or a specialized ultrasound evaluation of the scrotum to look for a varicocele. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases of abnormal sperm, a "cause" is never identified.

There are many other diagnostic tests available. Some may be useful in very specific situations, such as testing for anti-sperm antibodies. Historically, other tests have been used but these tests have limited roles current male evaluations due to a limited ability to predict fertilization outcomes. One test developed in the 70s -- the the Hamster Penetration Assay -- has been totally discredited scientifically, and should not be recommended to you. As a general statement, most couples will not need to have these older tests done because the results will not change the treatment.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Stages of Child Development from Birth to One Year

This is one post that I thought I would share. It is informative, and gives a little information when it comes to the growing baby/toddler. I added a few links to the bottom if you want to further your reading. I thought this was a good summary, and I chose the links that I liked the best when it came down to finding out more about development.

Happy reading!

Stages of Child Development from Birth to One Year

You might want to know the stages of child development that your child goes through to understand everything that is going on within them. This is because you can keep up on the way you child learns with the world as they continue to get older. Helping them explore their surroundings allows them to experience more, and also helps with their development. Development continues as the child grows, but some of the important stages are from birth to one year that every parent should be aware of to know where your child is at in life.

Birth to 1 month: This point in child development is where you child depends on you for everything. Even to lift their head they will need your help to do so. You have to feed, cloth, and bathe them because they are not capable of doing it themselves. They can make basic distinctions in pain, hearing, sight, smell, and so on. This allows them to identify who everyone is. They are asocial and have generalized tension.

2 months to 3 months: In this stage they can lift their head on their own; they can sense colors, smells, and objects as well as people. They show delight. They can cry, coo, and grunt on their own as well as move their eyes from object to object. They smile, and can be soothed by being rocked. They show distress and nervousness a lot.

4 months to 6 months: This stage of development brings an array of sounds that are mostly vowels, and can control their head, arms, can roll over, and can grasp purposively. They enjoy being cuddled, and recognize their mother. They distinguish between faces now, and can determine who they know and do not know. They expect to be fed, clothed, and bathed now.

7 months to 9 months: At this stage in child development they are learning to do so much on their own. They can crawl around on their own, sit up without support, and hold their head and torso. They have a specific emotional attachment to the mother at this age. They enjoy “peek a boo” and do not like being separated from the mother.

10 months to 12 months: As they get older, and grow to learn more they start walking and talking more allowing for the pronunciation of words. They can control all of their limbs and their body, and touch their thumb to their forefinger. They show anger, affection, fear of strangers, and curiosity. They are responsive to their name, can wave bye, and they know what the word no means. They give and take objects.

While learning child development you should keep in mind that every baby is different which means they might reach different milestones before or after other children. This is just an average for most babies. If you feel your baby is not growing on the pace they should be then you should talk to your healthcare provider about what can be done.

Resources: - This one has stages, and I like it because it provides stories and insight from other mothers who are going through parenting.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ectopic Pregnancies

This is one topic that might rub on a lot of people’s nerves, but it is also one thing that is hard for a lot of women who have gone through it to talk about it. Of course, if this is something that you know about, or have been through then please put some input in and let all of us know how you feel on the subject, or what you bring to the table. You want to make sure that you let everyone know how it feels, and perhaps spark a conversation on this thing that happens.

Until next time…

Ectopic Pregnancies

This is one of the tougher subjects to talk about since it can be an emotional subject to bring up to others who might have gone through it. An ectopic pregnancy is where the fetus develops inside the fallopian tube, and does not move down to the uterus. This can be fatal for both the mom and the baby depending on what actions were or were not taken by the mother. It can become painful, and unbearable at times depending on where the baby is, how big it is, and how much pain you can take.

The choices they give you are simple since the baby cannot grow inside the fallopian tube since the tube is not big enough to accommodate them while they grow big enough to live outside of the womb. So you will have no choice but to abort the pregnancy that you have. The baby cannot get the nutrients that it needs from the fallopian tube, and you could lose your life because you’re waiting too long while the baby continues to grow there. The tube can rupture, and you could be in for a world of trouble if this were to happen.

Ectopic pregnancy is rare, but when it does happen it can still hurt and alarm you. I made the best decision when it came down to it. The best advice I can give for this particular situation is do not say that it will not happen to you. I did, and it did happen to me. This is something that you have to think about when it comes to choosing what is best for you and your pregnancy, even if it means having to let someone go in the process for the safety of your own life. Tough decisions may lie ahead of you, but you have to keep your head high and continue forth.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Get Information on a Male and Female Fertility Test

Get Information on a Male and Female Fertility Test

I found this information helpful and interesting. I just thought I would pass it on to everyone! If you ever thought he couldn't have children, well now is your time to find out for real!

If you are looking for a home fertility test then you will be able to find out what they do, and how they work to tell you if you are indeed ovulating in that time of the month. If you’re planning on having children, then you will want to know when the best times to conceive are. This can be tough but it doesn’t have to be when you can find out when you’re the most fertile through the months. This can help you plan for a happy healthy family quicker than before.
Female Fertility Test
This fertility test allows the woman to find out when she is ovulating. They are very simple to use, and there are many brands over the counter that come in different sensitivities to find out if she is ovulating. The test measures FSH in a woman’s urine to detect if her egg has indeed dropped, or if she should wait. This allows couples to know when the best time to have a baby is. The tests that you can purchase over the counter are 95% accurate at predicting your most fertile times of the month.
Male Fertility Test
There is now a male fertility test that can be purchased over the counter. This might not be completely accurate, but it can give a guy a heads up if things might not seem like they should be. This allows them to go to a fertility doctor if they think they are infertile. It can also predict a woman’s fertility as well. The test takes around 80 minutes to assess the situation, and the results are astonishing. This is something new for the trying to conceive community since they will be able to assess their situation from home which is much more appealing than at a doctor’s office.
Male fertility accounts for 50% of all fertility cases, and can be one of the negative effects while trying to conceive. Purchasing a home fertility test for both the male and female allows you to know if you’re able to conceive, or if you should see a fertility specialist. These fertility testing options are great for anyone who seeks to know more about their options right from home.