Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Simple Part of Birth Records: The Dilemma I Had

Alright, so here is a bit of a debate. Who would have thought that birth certificates could be so demanding and difficult to fill out? Did anyone else have trouble with them? Were you unsure of how to get to the point? Maybe it was just me because of the unique circumstance that I had, and being as I was not married but some women, or even young mothers might face the same hardships that I did when it came down to the birth certificate. Let me know your fears, thoughts, reactions on the whole birth certificate thing.

Until next time we meet…

The Simple Part of Birth Records: The Dilemma I Had

Everyone has to fill out the birth certificate once their baby is born. This is because your child needs to be registered, and a social security number needs to be assigned to them. This should be done as soon as possible to avoid any disruptions or setbacks soon after you have the baby. Birth records are on file for every child born in the US, and they continue to keep this policy to ensure that everyone is accounted for, and that everyone has a social security number. The forms are simple; location of birth, time, and baby’s name, mother’s information, father’s information, and so on.

This is a simple thing you can do, and it shouldn’t take too much thought. I, on the other hand had so much to think about when it came down to filling out the birth records for my oldest son. His conception was not like traditional conceptions, and I was young so I had a choice to make. I chose to only put me on the birth records. Sure, I knew the father but he was not around, nor did he want to be around after what was done. I figured it was best to keep my son to myself even after what had happened. I didn’t need his money or consent for me to do stuff with my son. I also did not want my son to grow up around him, and act like him because I want more for him.

So as time went on, and I got the birth records back I felt more at ease with the decision that I have made. Only now, since it is required from the medical insurance provider that I have, am I going after him for child support. This raises my anxiety again because I do not want his father to take him, or even get visitation after doing what he did, and deserting us. I am sure a lot of mothers, or even parents have this feeling when things go wrong. I believe I might not have to worry, but the worry is still there. All of this started because of the dilemma I had when filling out the birth records.

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